Rug Cleaning

Oriental & Area Rug Cleaning

We know how popular and meaningful your area rugs are in your home! They add the pop of color and homeyness to perfectly complete each room. They can make a statement or add charm to any home while adding a layer of protection to your floors underneath it, whether that be wood, tile, or more carpets. Your area rugs most likely see more foot traffic and everyday spills and wear & tear. 

They deserve their own process of cleaning and know just how delicate and special they are. That’s why our rug cleaning process is specialized specifically to the type of rug, fabric, & color. We have years of experience cleaning and caring for your rugs especially with Persian & Original rugs. We have the knowledge necessary to be Birmingham’s top area rug cleaner. Our cleaning solutions are formulated to safely remove the dirt, debris, and high traffic areas on your rugs. We also have a pet & stain remover that can be added on. Our pricing is fit to your exact needs with soiling level, size, so it is fair & customized to what cleaning your rugs’ needs. We cannot wait to bring your rugs back to life and refresh your home!